Saturday, December 8, 2012

Favorite Fridays: 109

Turns out, I miss counted somehow (?!) when I started doing the numbered posts, and I got one number ahead of myself! I just got too darned excited I guess. 

I love this new little style (that i guess isn't too new anymore) of the peter pan collar. and this little accesory is the best, cause then you just throw it on over any shirt and it makes it adorable and fashionable! How sweet! 
this little gem is from, who I've used twice now and I've found to be reliable, though two times isn't really a "long and tested relationship", still... as long as I am patient and realize that they're in CHINA and therefore the shipping time is SUPER DUPER LONG to get to my house, then I'm okay. 
I do suggest paying the extra buck or two to have the tracking number cause that would have saved me some anxiety with my last purchase if I could have just SEEN where in the world (literally) it was!
 This collar is only five bucks, and comes in white and black... but honestly, I prefer the white one, cause I think it is the right "feel" for the style. Anyway! This isn't a sales pitch, honestly, I get nothing if you like this item or not... I'm just sharing my love! ah!

Get ready for this next super cute find, 
These rings!
Okay so I guess that they're technically mice, but when I look at them, I always think "cat!"
so.... that's okay! I have a pair of little horse earrings that I imagine to be donkeys! Cause it's your life and your stuff and it can be what ever you want it to be!

these are super adorable, and I may have to spend some birthday mula on these little cutie pies. 
They're super inexpensive, of course, and if I'm reading the description right, you get an assortment of five when you buy them!
I can't wait to try them out and play with layering them too!
ALSO I am making inquiries as we speak about their sizing situation... and if they're adjustable or not... so we shall see! *fingers crossed*

Have a fab day and enjoy your weekend!



Friday, November 9, 2012

109: Favorites Friday

this lovely pair has real style and functionality, the little pads on the finger tips allow for you to work on your touch-screen electronics without having to take your gloves off in the bitter cold! Score!

I think gloves are just so chic. 
What a beautiful way to end the week.

I hope you enjoy your weekends



Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Hello my pets and my loves,

after a disappointing election, it's nice to get away for a bit and just see life without the politics attached.
It's so easy to get wrapped up in our government (and believe me, it's important to know what's happening out there...) but we can forget to just see life as God has given it to us.

So here's to the little joys that are around and in front of us.

How. Cute.
I, will need this as a house-warming gift. 
Cause it's so darned cute! 
THIS (modcloth) is why I love you soooo much. ;-)

Believe it or not, 

I try not to just post things because they're Owl themed... 
I try to pick things that are either fabulous or ridiculous... 
these little cuties are just kinda adorable and I just couldn't pass them by...
how cute to have in your sewing/craft room?!

note: I would also accept these as a house-warming gift ;-)

This week we were gifted with the head of an opossum in our garden...
Which was *lovely*
but the interesting thing was, there were no tracks around the head...

we have surmised that a very large owl (which my father has seen around the area)
did some hunting on our land and dropped the *shudder* head off for us.

So gross...
anyway, it's hard to imagine an Owl as a predator when all you think of are these adorable little nick-knacks


Happy Hump day...

and lets pray the weekend comes soon.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

107: Owl Wednesday

who can believe that it's Wednesday already?
Not me, 
I thought that yesterday was Wednesday... and somehow today felt like a Tuesday or Thursday... 
boy am I off!

 I'm sorry, but if the maker is going to include a pic like the one above, then how can I leave it out?!

ah! Owl-love mitten/gloves :-) how cute!

Fringe-y owl earrings? yes please!
These are totally cool and totally affordable... Sweet!

Well... I'm about to crash after a busy few days, so if you'll excuse me...
ta ta

as ever, click on the pics to see their sources, and feel free to leave comments!

Monday, October 8, 2012

106: Artprize

At Mad Cap, getting coffee... there were tiny houses everywhere

Duct Tape monster!!!

this was about a story high.

Made out of recycled tires!

Kick-but Fiat!

They were balloons... 

cut with an exact-o-knife out of a single piece of paper

And that was Cara's and my day out at Artprize last Saturday in Grand Rapids, and we only saw about 1/10th of everything that was there!
it was raining, and cold... but we had a ton of fun anyway!

It's always a good event to go see and enjoy being out in the city :-)


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

105: Owl Wednesday

 I had a wonderfully blessed and busy day today, and I was happy to realize that it's Wednesday and that means I can do my Owl Wednesday post!
I usually feel like an OW post on... like a Thursday or something, and then I've just missed the mark and have to wait a whole 'nother week to write the post!
Yes yes, very tragic. 
What's so wonderful about this bag, is that you may not notice that it's an owl-inspired design if you're not looking close enough. I like that it's subtle.
Long live the sparkly incognito owl bags! :-)

There are no words ;-)
it's adorable.

These are less of the whimsical owls, and more of the angry I'm-gonna-eat-your-cat type...
but they're still cool :-)

As long as they leave my Heathcliff alone...

Happy happy Wednesday my lovelies,
feel free to leave comments, or suggestions :-)



Monday, October 1, 2012

104: RUGBY

I'm not technically a sporty person... 
and by "not technically" I mean not AT ALL IN THE LEAST
so I was about as shocked as anybody when I found Rugby and discovered that
I love it!
It's the most fascinating sport I've ever seen!
I'm no expert on the sport, but I am slowly learning the rules and what all of the different thingys are called..
like Trys, Drop Goals, Knock Ons, which result in Scrums and sooo much more!
I tried to grab a few good pics of different happenings at the game...
We (the Grand Rapids Gazelles in the orange) were playing against the Dayton Flying Pigs and they won, boo!
But I had a ton of fun all the same and I can't wait to go again! My parents and I have a few more games marked off for October :-)

Have a Happy Monday!



Friday, September 28, 2012

103: Favorites Friday


Well I don't know about you, but I'm having a very nice Friday.
There's something so sweet about being productive in the morning. 
I don't usually do it, so it's all the more shocking when I do manage to pull myself up by my bootstraps and get something done before noon (other than achieving my next life-time goal in Sims)


Today I'm lovin' on a few things,

Extra Large Movie Poster Image for Project Runway
Last night they did a riddikulus challenge about designing for babies, and I must say, the babies were the best part. I think the judges couldn't hardly get through critiquing because of the adorableness of the babies in front of them!

And then, while I was watching with my parents, my mother turned to me and asked
"who's Heidi Klum? Should I know her"
:-O I about turned inside out as I quickly responded with

So, on another note, I did buy this watch after all of my going back and forth...

It's super cute, and it was super cheap from Sammydress
Be warned though, that since the company is based in China, the shipping takes a while and can be a little pricey if the item doesn't come with free shipping (like this beauty did)..
But if you think about it, the low cost of the items kind of make up for the cost of shipping... so it all evens out :-)

Speaking of Sammydress,
I have a new item that I'm vacillating over...
This is such a cute envelope bag, and I've liked the style for a while now,
I'm ordering it today (yay!) and I'm super excited :-)
I like to window shop for things, and it definitely peaks my interest and convinces me to buy more when I see that something is cute AND affordable. :-)

Now, in the past year or so, I have for sure caught House-Fever. It's like baby fever, but you don't need a man to cure it. ;-)
So anyway, I love all things decor and design, anything that will give me ideas about how to "dress" my house once I *finally* buy it!

I'm exhausted from the shopping and talking, so I'm gonna retire to some home-made pizza..
have a great weekend all!


psst... check out below for some more house-tastic items