Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Owl Wednesday

They're cute...
I mean, they're adorable!
And they're all these different colors!
That's about it.
For me, I like a little more class and subtlety when I go for a fad thing like this.
They're just a tad...gaudy... I hated to say that because you know how much I love Modcloth!
They're cutsie, but they're not quite my style, that's all I'm saying...
and now onto some things that ARE my style!

More me-ish. If you know what I mean

Okay, okay.
So I think that I've posted about this phone pouch before, but COME ON!
How could I not talk about something as great and cute and sweet as this?!
And honestly, I'm a sucker for crocheted things.

Really, when I look at it, it makes me think of my chest of yarn,
and now I have decided to make my own Owl Phone cover, inspired by Modcloth's!

Have a great Wednesday!
and Happy Christmas!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Holiday Sunday

Hello all of my dears,

I know that it's been an incredably long time since I've posted anything, and there may be a good reason for that, because as I write this, there are sooo many gramatical and spelling errors that I should just leave. Leave it for another day.
But hey, when the insparation hits, you have to let it flow, right?

In the last two weeks I have had two outfits that made me think of you, thinking "wow, this would really go over well on my blog" but alas, I have not had the time to photograph them. Perhaps when I have the time, I will recreate the outfits and let you all see ;-)

Anyway, Today we set up our Christmas tree, and it's super pretty this year. It's not as tall of a tree as we normally get, but that's what you risk when you pick 'em from your own back yard.

Happy Almost-Christmas!
Yes, I've taken to saying Happy Christmas instead of Merry Christmas.
I'm not sure how I decided this, but today when I was talking to friends at church, it just popped out that way
"Happy Christmas!"
and they were all like
"What? Happy Christmas? Have you gone British on us?"
I suppose I have.

This past week has been a rollercoaster for me, which I'm sure you will have noticed if you follow me on Twitter at all (@TerpLiddy)
I met the guy my sister is trying to set me up with,
Was told of another guy who my co-worker *wants* to set me up with,

and saw my old crush.

Also, it was Thanksgiving.
I think that part was a blessing though, cause I couldn't have dealt with all the emotional ups and downs if I also had to deal with staying "cool" at work.

Expect to see another Owl Wednesday post this week!
and just so you all know, Cara and I are still going with our Two Nerd Birds vlog,
so please check us out and leave comments on our channel!
